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Electromagnetic Flow Meter
done_outline8888 in stock
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Flow Application, Analog Output, Pulse Output, 6 in. Flange.


Reliable, Durable Design - Open Flow Tube Design, No Head Loss, No Moving Parts To Fail
0.25% Accuracy Independent Of Fluid Viscosity, Density, And Temperature
Bi-Directional Flow Measurement Capability, Suitable For Inter-City Billing
Password Security - Protect Against Unwanted Program Changes
Wide Flow Range - Exceeds Operating Characteristics Of Turbine And Propeller Meters
Works With Most Solids Common In Liquid Systems, Great For Well Water And Reclaimed Water Systems, Not Fouled By Sand, Gravel, Or Debris
Flow Direction - Uni-Directional Or Bidirectional, Two Separate Totalizers (Programmable)
4 To 20 mA, 0 To 20 mA, 0 To 10 mA, 2 To 10 mA (Programmable And Scalable); Voltage Sourced 24 VDC (Isolated); Maximum Loop Resistance Less Than 800 Ohm Analog Outputs

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