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KW350 Power Meter, 1 Or 3 Phase
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RS-485 Communication, BACnet MS/TP And Modbus RTU Protocol, 100 To 415 VAC, 100 To 300 VDC, Traditional 333 mV Split Core Current Transformer, 3 Inputs, Includes LCD Display.


The KW350 Meter Combines High Performance With Ease Of Integration To Provide A Cost Effective Power And Energy Monitoring Solution
The Meter Can Monitor Both Uni-Directional And Bi-Directional Current And Features A Built-In LCD Display Designed To Simplify Setup And Local Reading Of All Measurements Of Meter Data
The KW350 Provides Demand Measurement Of Current, Active Power, Reactive Power And Apparent Power
Meters Can Record The Time And Event Regarding Important Parameter Events Such As The Run Time Of The Meter And Alarm Functions
Sub-Metering Electrical/Sub-Panel Mains, Equipment Monitoring Large Loads/Predicted Maintenance, Industrial, Solar/Wind/Renewable Energy Projects, Energy Cost Accounting, "NET ZERO" / LEED / Green Buildings, Refrigeration, And Gas/Water/Energy Metering Ap