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1/4 in. Compression Coupling Gas Fitting, Left Side Mounting Bracket, D Style Port And Burner Tip, Dual Wing Left Side Target Mount, 0.026 in. Diameter Orifice, Natural Gas.
Compatible With Flame Safeguard Controls Utilizing The Rectification Principle Of Flame Proving
Incorporates Ignition And Flame Electrodes, Suitable For Applications Requiring Interrupted Or Intermittent Spark Ignited Gas Pilots
May Be Used With The Q624A Solid State Ignition Transformer, 22042, 101079 Ignition Transformers Or Equivalents
Primary Aerated Type Pilot Burner With A Stainless Steel Target To Stabilize The Flame And Provide The Proper Flame Electrode Area To Ground Area Ratio To Generate An Optimum Flame Signal
High Temperature Kanthal Electrode Are Mounted In Ceramic Insulators
Flame Electrode Ignition Electrode And Insulators Are Factory Positioned And Adjusted For Proper Operation, Field Adjustments Not Required