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Line-Voltage, Low-Voltage, Or Millivolt Control Of Many Applications, 120 Or 240 VAC, 100 F To 240 F Set Point Temperature Range, 2-7/8 in. x 3/8 in. Diameter Bulb Size, 5 ft. Capillary Length, 1 SPDT, Stainless Steel Bulb Sensor Element.
Suitable For Line-Voltage, Low Voltage, Or Millivolt (PowerPile) Control Of Bulk Milk Tanks, Beverage Dispensing Machines, Ice Cube Machines, Dishwashers, Crop Drying, Tobacco Curing, And Similar Applications.
Enclosed Snap Action Switches Available With SPST Or SPDT Action.
Models Available That Make Or Break On Temperature Rise.
Screwdriver adjustment for temperature setting; external knob option.